What are T-levels?
T levels are new two-year courses which you can take after your GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A levels. They focus on vocational skills and can help you into skilled employment, higher study, or apprenticeships.
They have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses. This makes sure that the content meets the needs of the industry and prepares you for work, further training, or study.
What do they involve?
T levels offer a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience. You will spend 80% of the course in the classroom, learning the skills that you need. The other 20% is your industry placement, where you put your skills into action. The industry placement is at least 315 hours which is approximately 45 days.
What and where can I study?
To find out more about the different subjects on offer, head to the T level webpages.
What are the entry requirements?
Entry requirements for each course are set by the individual college or school. Check with your local T level college or school to find out more.
How are they graded?
On completion of a T Level, you will get a nationally recognised certification with your overall grade.
This will be either:
- Pass
- Merit
- Distinction
- Distinction *
It will also provide details of what you learnt during the course.
Can they provide UCAS tariff points?
T Levels will be worth UCAS points. A T Level Distinction * is worth the same as 3 A levels at A*. They should be recognised by universities and other education providers, but it is worth checking this on the entry requirements of different institutions.