YTL Group

Power, Water, Digital, Construction, Manufacturing

YTL Group UK includes YTL Developments, YTL Construction, Wessex Water, GENeco, Wessex Searches, water2business, YTL Hotels, Pelican and Turnbull.

The Group's worldwide businesses include power, water, digital communications, construction, cement manufacturing, property development and investment, and hotel development and management.

As a Centralised Academy & Careers Team working across the group, we inspire & engage with Schools, Colleges and Universities across our region.

We attend careers fairs and events to promote our experience of the workplace opportunities, apprenticeships, graduate, placement and industrial projects. We also deliver careers advice & guidance, employability skills workshops, mock assessments, interviews and various talks on routes into industry. We also conduct teacher encounters, site tours and hold open days/evenings.

With dedicated Careers Inspiration Advisors, we ensure we are offering engagement and activities relevant to our industry, the career opportunities available, routes into the organisation and our recruitment process. Where possible we align all our engagement to support schools and colleges with the Gatsby benchmarks.

We are now proud to be part of four Employer Cornerstone Groups. Between the Head of Academy & Skills and the Careers Manager, we chair two of these groups.

We have been working with the CEC, and their local hubs for some considerable time now and can see the immediate impact of being a part of such groups.

Sharing best practice, whilst learning and creating new, exciting initiatives! We are most excited about uniting our strategy across all cornerstones, supporting with social mobility to increase opportunities for disadvantaged young people. Being a part of the Cornerstone Employer Groups brings likeminded, passionate and capable people together to support, network and launch exciting projects that truly impact our communities positively!

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