Effective Transitions Fund

18 July 2024
Effective Transitions Fund

In 2021, with funding from JPMorgan Chase, the Careers and Enterprise Company launched the Effective Transitions Fund (ETF), a programme to help connect disadvantaged young people in England with the education and skills they need to prepare them for their future careers.

Between 2021 and 2023, 10 Careers Hubs, which included Dorset Careers Hub, designed and delivered bespoke careers support interventions for over 1,000 young people facing significant barriers and at risk of poor post-16 outcomes.

The ETF project in Dorset, also known as Dorset Marvels, was delivered in partnership with Education Development Trust, and focussed on working with young people who were at the greatest risk of becoming NEET. The project followed a holistic and student-centred approach, which included intensive careers guidance, informed by the COM-B model.

JPMorgan Chase has committed an additional £2.5m to build on lessons learned from the pilot programme and scale this to keep helping young people to achieve better post-16 destinations.

Key findings from Year 1 of the programme:

• 94% of pupils entered a post-16 destination.
• 93% of pupils sustained their education and training.

Thank you to JPMorgan Chase for investing in the ETF and the evaluation, and continuing our learning and understanding of how to support disadvantaged young people into post-16 destinations.

Read the Dorset evaluation report: Download the Dorset report

Read the full evaluation from The Careers & Enterprise Company: Download the full report

Read the executive summary: Download the summary

For more information, please visit the Careers and Enterprise Company website page, here.